Sinead bovell
The best thing that we can do about the future is prepare for it.
— Sinead Bovell
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A first generation Canadian, Sinead Bovell was born to an Irish mother and a Guyanese father in a city outside of Toronto. She spent the majority of her young adult life focused on academics, receiving a degree in finance, a minor in chemistry, and a Masters in Business from the University of Toronto, before moving on to a career in management consulting. However, Sinead decided to leave the corporate world in order to make an impact on a larger scale. Watch Sinead’s two minute career story video here. For Sinead’s bio, please visit the home page.


Follow Sinead’s conversations and technology forecasts on YouTube

In January 2021, Sinead was appointed to the United Nations International Telecommunications Union Generation Connect Visionaries Board to further champion the voices of youth to advance digital development and offer strategic guidance on youth participation and empowerment in digital cooperation.

Sinead is also a member of the Bretton Woods Committee and the IEEE Global Initiative Education Committee and the Tech and Concentration of Power committee.

Tech Contributor:

Tech Host:

Sinead is the host of PBS hit science and technology YouTube series, Far Out:

Platform for purpose: